Venha conhecer a “Sala de Maria”. (mais…)

Invitation – “Challenge Champions of Life”

Obra Social Dona Meca is a non-profit organization that offers support to kids with disabilities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We started 24 years ago as a support group for parents to provide extracurricular activities for kids, and realized we should expand our support for kids and teens with disabilities due to the lack of opportunities observed here in Rio. Now we offer more than 15 different activities to our kids and teenagers including therapies, cultural activities and educational sports.


“Challenge champions of life”

champions of life” – in this event, kids have the opportunity to be part of a competition, make new friendships with kids from other organizations and be integrated in the society. Parents will have the opportunity to communicate with the physical education teacher in order for them to check on their kids’ progress and to realize how much more they can improve.

The event starts with an opening ceremony where we introduce the teams, the host and the special guests. Paralympic athletes, Olympic athletes, artists and advocates of people with disabilities are invited to “Challenge champions of life” in order for the kids to be inspired, gain new perspectives in life and dream about how far they can go.

We are delighted and excited to invite everyone to the much more special edition of the 2016 “Challenge champions of life”, now it has a wider scope of participation from the invited guests, including:

  •  Family edition: One member of the family will become a team with their child/sibling/relative in joining the games and activities. This will enable the family to bond and experience the obstacles together while still having fun! Our intention is show to their families that the kids have great potential in things they have not yet realized. Their family will be able to embrace disability in a positive outlook in order for the kids to have the right support and positivity within their homes.
  • Partnership: We are very excited to have guests coming all the way from San Francisco, California to join us this year! “Inspire to Do” is a non-profit organization that support kids with disabilities in San Francisco and around the world. We are welcoming their arrival on September 5, 2016 where exciting activities such as their participation in the “Challenge champions of life” and attending Paralympic events will start.
  • Special Guests: We had the pleasure to invite athletes from Brazil’s own Paralympic teams and members of the Paralympic movement around the world such as Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Russia*, Ukraine and USA. They are excited to visit Obra Social Dona Meca and eager to compete in the Paralympics 2016 held here in Rio!


Challenge Champions of Life.
When: September 5th, 2016 at 1:00 P.M. (Brasilia Timezone)
Where: Obra Social Dona Meca: 302, Gazeta da Noite St. – Taquara – Rio de Janeiro (Map)

2015 – Edition

Last year we invited Wanderson Silva the from the Brazilian Football 7-a-side Team, Wanderson was choose as the best football 7-a-side player in the world and was part of the Brazilian team in the Para-PanAm in Toronto.

See you all soon!

Participantes do Programa


Tudo começou em Novembro, quando, nossa coordenadora esportiva – Raquel Peres – entrou em contato com o responsável pela área de marketing da Instituição – Anderson Gama, falando sobre a existência de um intercâmbio voltado às Instituições que trabalham o esporte como ferramenta de inclusão para pessoas com deficiência. Após um árduo processo seletivo (avaliação de currículo, entrevistas em português e inglês com o Consulado Americano, Universidade de Tennessee e com o Departamento de Estado Americano), em Março, veio a boa notícia, Anderson foi aprovado para representar o Brasil – e a Obra Social Dona Meca – neste processo e trazer um pouco deste novo conhecimento a nós.

Leia a Matéria na Integra


Neste ano, realizamos a segunda edição do nosso Arraiá Beneficiente Dona Meca. Como já esperávamos, o evento foi um grande sucesso, um aperfeiçoamento da primeira edição, mostrando que podemos fazer ainda mais. E a maior prova deste sucesso veio da comunidade, a qual nos prestigiou e pediu para que realizássemos outras festas, assim como oficializasse a Festa Julina como um evento anual da casa.

Leia a Matéria na Integra